A greener garden can only mean one thing; one step towards saving the planet! Being eco-friendly is all about not being wasteful and keeping your garden looking fresh. Here is a list of top tips for recycling in the garden!
Plastic Bottles
Empty plastic bottles can be used in many ways in your garden. Poking holes in the lids can help create your very own water sprinkler or cutting off the bottle base and using them as a protective shield over the soils.
Boiled Water
Any boiling water left over from cooking is great to spread across weeds. This will help kill any unwanted weeds that are growing on your patio.
Plastic Milk Cartons
Plastic milk cartons act as a great soil scooper, making it as easy and quick as possible to collect a large amount of soil. Simply, cut the bottom part of the milk carton, leaving the end part still intact so that all of the bottom part has not come off.
Egg Cartons
Egg cartons are a great way to grow and chit your very own potatoes in the garden. This has an advantage of allowing your potatoes to grow at a quicker rate.
Old Compost Bags
Old compost bags are still very handy and useful, since you can export any garden waste to your local tip. Furthermore, you can even grow your own potatoes inside these bags or tear the bad apart and press them against suppress weeds.
Plastic Milk Cartons
Plastic milk cartons act as a great soil scooper, making it as easy and quick as possible to collect a large amount of soil. Simply, cut the bottom part of the milk carton, leaving the end part still intact so that all of the bottom part has not come off.
Recycle Packaging and Old Wellies
Any old plastic and wooden containers or old wellies hidden away can be great to use as plant pots. Smaller containers can be used when you plant your first seeds, and then it can eventually be transferred into larger containers when the plants have grown.
Old Compost Bags
Old compost bags are still very handy and useful, since you can export any garden waste to your local tip. Furthermore, you can even grow your own potatoes inside these bags or tear the bad apart and press them against suppress weeds.
Toilet Roll Holders
Toilet roll holders are great to fill up compost and seeds inside the tube to grow crops that require a deep rooting area. It is perfect for growing peas and carrots and many more crops.