Wealden Hall

Size: 4000m2

Type of Project: Domestic

Turf Used: Rolawn Medallion.

Topsoil Used: British Standard Sandy Loam Topsoil

Project Duration: 4 Weeks.

In the summer of 2020, we were contracted to carry out returfing works for a client in Sevenoaks.

The project consisted of replacing a full existing lawn that was installed over 20 years ago.

The lawn wrapped around a beautiful Manor House and consisted of over 4000 m2. Making this our largest domestic project to date.

Our first step was to bury the existing lawn 300 mm below the surface, this was carried out using a tractor mounted stone burier.

Unfortunately, to do this the existing irrigation system had to be replaced, to assist with these works we contracted Watermic Irrigation Ltd.

Watermatic’s work began once we had stone buried and cleared the entire garden of all remaining grass and debris.

After the irrigation pipework had been laid, we began importing our screened sandy loam topsoil. In total we installed 130m3 of high quality and locally sourced British Standard topsoil.

Using a good high-quality sandy loam topsoil is essential to the healthy root establish and longevity of the lawn. We provide a sand-based topsoil as it creates the perfect amount of drainage, ensuring the lawn is rich in nutrients without becoming saturated and boggy.

The levelling of the area was no quick feet, due to the nature and layout of the garden, the entire area had to be levelled by hand. This took 4 of our skilled landscapers 5 days complete.

Once levelled we applied 850 KG of Groright pre-lawn establishment fertiliser. This meant the lawn was well fed for the first three months of its life as well as ensuring it established quickly and healthily.

Quick root establishment is all the more important during the hot summer months, applying Groright will rapidly reduce the length of time it takes for the turfs roots take hold of the moisture rich topsoil below, in turn reducing the time in which it is most susceptible to drying out.

Finally, at this stage the lawn was ready to be installed. Again, due to the positioning of trees and beds this was done using Rolawn Medallion 1 m2 rolls, rather than the larger 13m2 Turfmaster rolls, which is commonly used on larger projects.

The laying process took the best part of two weeks to complete. The numerous beds and shrubs meant the installation was more involved than turfing a large open area.

Upon completion of the turfing works, the customer required we turf over the bases for numerous tree lights dotted around the garden.

In this instance due to the lack of topsoil and drainage on these areas natural lawn turf would not survive, therefore we installed Easigrass’ ultra-realistic Mayfair Grass, which blended perfectly into the natural lawn to create a seamless finish.

All of the materials used on this project can be purchased from our online store - https://www.londonlawnturf.co.uk/products.html

Alternatively for more information on our installation services please call our landscaping department on 02086479123